Climate change is a significant concern across the globe, and many homeowners are looking at their carbon footprint to see how they can help. Energy efficiency in the home can have a tremendous environmental impact. Be a part of the solution, no pollution by making eco-friendly choices around the house, staring with your energy output.
Connecting Your Energy Use to the Environment
Everything we do has consequences, some negative some positive. Reducing the energy output in your home will have positive implications for the environment. But how does your energy consumption affect the environment?

Power Plant Pollution
The more electricity we use, the harder power plants have to work to power our homes. Power plants release toxic fumes into the atmosphere that are contributing to global warming and climate change. By reducing the energy we use in our house, we take some of the pressure off of the power plants. That reduces carbon emissions and slows down climate change, creating a cleaner and healthier planet.
Alternative Energy
Whenever you can, look for alternative solutions to powering your electronics. The more consumers demand alternative power solutions, the more attractive it will be to those that have the power to invest in cleaner alternatives. Using coal, oil, and fossil fuels will contribute to global warming and continue to pump greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
Little Changes – Big Differences
Even tiny changes in the home can make significant differences. Simple changes, like having energy-efficient lightbulbs and appliances, can reduce tons of carbon emissions, or the equivalent of taking millions of cars off of the road. By reducing our energy consumption, we are also helping to conserve natural resources. The natural resources used to power the plants are limited, so we need to cut back on our energy to preserve these resources.

Saving Wildlife, Marine Life, and Plant Life
Anytime we have to go mining and drilling for natural resources to power our electronics; we are disturbing the wildlife, marine life, and plant life. Animals and ecosystems are continually being threatened by sourcing materials to make energy. Oil spills have also had a detrimental impact on sea life and the oceans.
It’s up to all of us to conserve energy and help protect the environment. Every little bit helps. Talk to our electricians about wiring your home to save energy and make your home more efficient.